"It's so beautiful. I wish you could see it. Dumbledore was there. And Dennis Kucinich. I had these really big hands though. They were sort of melty looking. I brought back some shoes for Randy."
1,800 square feet may not seem like a sizable kingdom, but I am a diminutive creature.
"A cat who grabs Henry by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way."
"Arby's. The meal you'll regret."
Pumpkinhead? Mousse. Lots and lots of mousse.Fashion Wild Card:
Tom Petty.
"Litterbox Cake is a moist, tasty medley of cake and instant pudding accented with green cookie crumbs and chocolate candy “turds”. It’s especially appropriate for a cat-lover’s wedding or birthday, but really it’s hard to think of an occasion when a Litterbox Cake wouldn’t hit the spot."There's a photo of the cake, which you can see here if you must. It is served in a tray lined with a plastic bag and is doled out with—you guessed it—a slotted cat litter scoop.
"What happens in cold weather is things shrink," says Terry Bradshaw, giving a shoulder-butt to Curt Menefee. "He usually wears a 58 inch jacket but today he's wearing a 48."Har, har.
"If you leave your dog outside for three hours in this kind of weather, they will lock you up for cruelty to animals."(What a douchbag. Maybe if Howie had given counsel to Michael Vick years ago, things would have turned out differently for him: "Now Mike, if it’s Arctic cold outside, your dog can survive without shelter for two hours and 59 minutes, tops. Sixty seconds longer, and you’re up the river. Oh, and don’t strangle, shoot or drown them.")
"Let's see how long it takes before it freezes!(Oooooo. A magic trick. I'm rapt.)
Howie:For the record, by the time they went to the first station break, Curt had his scarf wrapped around his jughead like a Russian peasant lady.
OK guys, it’s going 2 B be cold 2morrow. Let’s B sure we don’t show up in the same hats.
And before anyone has a chance to type anything, he writes:
I call dibs on the trooper-trapper hat. No one else on the panel but me could rock one like Frances McDormand.
Then Jimmy screams:
Scrambling for traction, and to ensure that no one in the entire stadium will upstage him, Terry types:
I’m wearing a golf hat. On top of a doo-rag. Rock that, Howie.
To which Curt, left with a choice of a crocheted knit cap or wizard hat, replies:
Screw it. I’m going cranial-commando!
Dear Henry:
My friend (name withheld to protect identity) is a zombie who is a bit of gourmand and a discriminating tea drinker. He is a purist, preferring to brew pots of looseleaf tea. However, as you may know, zombies are always on the go. He has a birthday coming up, and I'd love to find a useful and unique gift for him (he has EVERYTHING)—maybe something like a traveling tea pot? It appears that you are well-read on all the latest gadgets (though you don't seem impressed with any of them).
Dear Edwina:
This is uncanny. It so happens, I have some friends who own a company called Gamila, and they have invented a tea accessory that Name-Withheld-To-Protect-Identity will adore. He will not believe his dead, cold eyes! The Teastick (pictured above) is a product that enables the tea connoisseur to quickly and conveniently prepare single-cup servings of loose-leaf tea. I'm not a tea-drinker myself (I tried catnip tea once and it was ghastly), but I have seen the Teastick at work, and it is a truly clever device (unlike my lazy-Susan litter box and cocktail tray). So hop on over there and order one for Name-Withheld-To-Protect-Identity. You'll be glad you did.*Disclaimer: I am not employed by Gamila, nor am I a third party who is positioned in any way for pecuniary gain.
"Finally, a decorative litter box you don't have to hide! Simply turn the entrance to the wall and no one will know!"They may feign ignorance, but I think visitors will be thinking—at best—that your plant has a ginormous case of root rot. At worst, they'll whisper: "Man, I think their cat took a #&!% in the peace lily."
Consider this from the side of the zombie. Suppose a zombie is asked to think about or "internally compare" the tastes of coffee and tea. The zombie thinks for a while, and carefully sips some tea and coffee, then soliloquizes about this "difference" for awhile, doubtless saying many things that are true of the tastes of tea and coffee. But the zombie's remarks are grounded in utterly false beliefs simply because the requisite experiences are just missing. Of course, this kind of zombie would never seriously entertain the idea that it is a totally non-conscious being. It's epistemic situation is the same as mine and if I have no good reason to wonder whether I am a zombie then neither does it. But that doesn't eliminate the possibility that it is a zombie, any more than the fact that I have no good reason to believe that I am a brain in a vat shows that it is logically impossible that I am a brain in a vat.Not to be outdone, William Robert Webster, in the journal Synthese 151:(2):297-310, countered with his article Human Zombies are Metaphysically Impossible. I have not read it yet. There is only so much a cat, even a self-aware one, can digest in one sitting.