Be sure to smell eggnog to check for spoilage before partaking.
1,800 square feet may not seem like a sizable kingdom, but I am a diminutive creature.
"The guys on my team like to go shopping—in their mother-in-law's closets or eBay or maybe the Salvation Army racks—to try to find the ugliest Christmas sweaters possible. This year, they outdid themselves."One question though. Why the mother-in-law's closet and not Mom's? I dare say your own precious mother has purchased (or received) something equally dreadful.
Does it grate that there’s going to be some homophobic zealot jackass speaking for and to his god at the inauguration like the difference between homophobic religious zealots who want to control women and everyone else is just a difference of opinion? Yes. But why is any minister there in the first place? Wake me up when we’re having that discussion.I want to discuss it, but I'm tired. And I don't do my best work when I'm in need of a nap. But I'll leave a few morsels for you.
"I couldn't vote for a person who was an atheist, because I would think -- I think the presidency is a job too big for one person. I would think there's a little arrogance that says, I don't need anybody else. I could vote for someone of different religions than mine, but I don't know that I could personally vote for somebody who denies that we need somebody greater than ourselves to help us."This anti-evolutionist also told King:
"If Darwin was right, which is survival of the fittest then homosexuality would be a recessive gene because it doesn't reproduce and you would think that over thousands of years that homosexuality would work itself out of the gene pool."Warren needs someone greater than himself to explain this whole evolutionary biology thing, and it's not god.