Monday, July 7, 2008

Almost six feet under: Jesse Helms' grave is dug and ready

The Madame has once again co-opted my blog for her own purposes, but after she brought me up to speed on this Jesse Helms fellow, I wholeheartedly agreed to post the photograph she took of his prepared grave site today. The late North Carolina Senator's final resting place is less than a half-mile from our house, so she popped over this afternoon to make sure the grave diggers did an adequate job. As you can see, cemetery workers selected their best ragged tarp and warped plywood to protect the open grave from projectile phlegm and the thundershowers predicted for tonight. The bespectacled bigot will be lowered into the hole tomorrow afternoon.

1 comment:

ThePoliticalCat said...

This is how bad it is, Henry: I read your post as "The Madame has pooped over ...." I leave you to the vicissitudes of your own undoubtedly fertile imagination in completing that sentence.