I have said before, and I'll say it again, that my blog is not a forum for cute cat photos. The lady of the house tries my very patience on this issue. So when she approached me today with a photo of her Dad's cat that arrived in the post, I put my paw up in defiance. Then she screwed up her face, leaned in close and hissed: So, how's your latest blog entry going? The one about Billy Ray Cyrus' poor parenting skills? Can't WAIT to read it!
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you: Tigger.
1 comment:
Yaknow, Henry, far be it from me to raise the obvious and all, old thing, but it occurs to me that your defiance of the Missus borders on teh self-destructive, eh, what?
I'd be acceding to her requests right quick if you want healthy portions of kibble in your bowl, and all that. Oh, and the nut-kicking flash image has disappeared off my front page, so do drop by, won't you, there's a dear.
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